David Sammons
Service Director
5181 Canal Road
Cuyahoga Heights, OH 44125
Updates & News
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Open Positions and Application Forms
Special Requests
Grass Cutting
The Village will mow the lawns of senior citizens aged 60 and above who meet the program’s criteria at their residences. A signed waiver is required before we can provide this service. You can access the forms online or return them to the Village Hall. If you are unsure whether you have a waiver on file, please reach out to the Service Department at 216-641-3505. Please remember to remove dog droppings on a routine basis.
Grass Cutting Consent Form
Meals on Wheels
This service, provided by Lori’s Custom Catering, is available to any Village Resident that is 60 years of age or older. A lunchtime meal will be delivered to your home daily, Monday through Friday, by our Service Department. This is an affordable option. The cost is $25.00 per week, which is only $5.00 per day. You must sign-up up for a full week. To receive meals for a given week, payment must be made by the Thursday prior. If you have any questions regarding this service, please contact Vera Heinzman at the Service Department at 216-641-3505 or sd@cuyahogaheights.com.
Meals on Wheels Request Form
Pest/Insect Control
Pest control services are available by contacting our Service Department at 216-641-3505 with your name, address, phone number, and the nature of your problem. We will then reach out to our pest control vendor. This service is free except for termites, bed bugs, and wildlife. The Village also sprays the outside of your home in the spring to hinder any unwanted pests from entering your home.
Garden Rototilling
The Service Department will rototill residential gardens once a year, free of charge, upon request. Please ensure that the area to be rototilled is clearly indicated prior to the scheduled date. Kindly reach out to the Service Department at 216-641-3505 to arrange your appointment.
Special Pickup/Hazardous Waste
If you need a special pickup for trash that is oversized, large amounts, or hazardous waste, you can now go online to be put on the special pickup list. Special Pickup day is on Tuesday mornings, unless there is a holiday on Monday, at which time, the special pickup will be taken care of on Wednesday. You must submit your information by 4:00 PM on Monday to get on the list for Tuesday’s pick up. If you have any questions, please contact Vera Heinzman at 216-641-3505.
Special Pickup Request Form
Table/Chair Rental
A limited number of tables and chairs are available for use by residents having parties at their residence, free of charge. Please contact Vera Heinzman at the Service Department at 216-641-3505 to reserve your tables and chairs and arrange a time when you can pick them up.
Garbage Pickup
Garbage, recycling and yard waste is collected every Monday morning at each resident’s home. Beginning at 7:30 AM our Service Department personnel will come into your yard, take the cans to the curb, empty them and return the cans to their original storage area in your yard. Please do not fill the cans over fifty (50) pounds. In the event that a holiday falls on a Monday, garbage, recycling and yard waste will be collected on the following day. No yard waste is to be placed inside a can with garbage per Ohio law.
Special Pickup
Special Pickups for large items such as appliances, furniture, mattresses, etc., are every Tuesday for our residents, free of charge. Please note that all Special Pickup items must be placed outside of your home for pickup by our Service Department employees.
Special Pickup Request Form
Charity Pickup
Charity Pickup is the first Wednesday of each month. Small household items, clothing, etc. are collected and donated. No tax receipts are given for this service. Charity Pickup Request Form
Recycling Program
While curbside recycling in Cuyahoga Heights is a voluntary program, we strongly encourage residents to recycle. The Village provides special recycling containers at no cost. To participate, residents need to place all recycling materials in their blue recycling containers. These containers will be picked up on Monday each week. In case of a holiday, containers will be picked up on the Tuesday following the holiday. For more information about recycling, please download our brochure.
What You Can Recycle | Recycling Guidelines
The cost for use of a Village dumpster shall be $30.00 per load. Any resident requesting the use of a Village dumpster must first contact the Service Director to request use and to specify date and time. The resident must then pay $30.00 to the Village CFO, Angel Meriwether, during regular working hours prior to the dumpster being delivered. The receipt must be presented to the Service Department driver before the truck is left on the resident’s property. The Village dumpster is for use by residents only. If possible, the resident should be present when the truck is delivered, or parking will be left to the discretion of the Service Department. Use of the Village dumpster is for a maximum of two (2) weeks. After two (2) weeks, the dumpster will be picked up from the resident’s home. If the resident needs to use it again, he/she will go back on the waiting list.
Dumpster Use Application
Residential Snow Removal Program
All Village roadways will be plowed first and maintained prior to any driveways being plowed.
Once the Service Director feels that the roadways and municipal buildings have been maintained, the driveways of our senior citizens will be plowed (using the same criteria that applies to our grass cutting service).
Afterwards, taking into consideration manpower, time and safety issues the Village will help residents with their driveways in the event of a storm that produces more than 2-4 inches of snow at the resident’s request.
All residents must have driveway markers in place in order to allow the Service Department to plow their driveway. The Village will provide markers and place them for all seniors who qualify for the “grass cutting program.” Residents with shorter driveways need 4 markers in place, and long driveways must have 6 markers. They need to be placed at the beginning, middle (if long drive), and at the end of your drive. If you wish to purchase markers from the Village for $1 each, please stop at the Service Department.
Contact Service Director, David Sammons at (216) 641-3505 if you have any questions.
Please note that residents are responsible to clean their driveway aprons, as it is difficult to plow them over again after the streets are plowed. Each homeowner and/or resident must have a waiver of liability on file at our Service Department. If you already have filled out a waiver of liability and there have been no changes to it, there will be no need to fill out a new one.
Snow Removal Release Form
Tree Trimming Service
Tree trimming service is available to Village property owners and is limited to two (2) trims and one (1) removal per year.
Tree Trimming Application