Cuyahoga Heights Legal Department

Ben Chojnacki
Law Director
1375 East Ninth Street
One Cleveland Center, 10th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
216-623-0150 (Office) | 216-623-0134 (Fax)

Gregory A. Gentile
Gentile Law, LLC
323 West Lakeside Avenue, Suite 210
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
216-404-5864 (Office) | 216-274-9492 (Fax)
Codified Ordinances of Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio
American Legal Publishing Corporation Online Library
Voting in Cuyahoga Heights
You can vote if:
You are a United States citizen
You are 18 years or older by the general elections day
You have lived in Ohio for at least 30 days
You must register to vote if:
You are voting for the first time
Your name has changed
You have moved since you last voted
You have not voted in four years
You can register at:
Any Cuyahoga County Library or
Cuyahoga Heights Village Hall
4863 East 71st Street
8:00 AM to 12 noon and 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Monday – Friday
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections
2925 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115
Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Important Notes:
Please be sure to complete the entire registration form. Return the registration form to the Village Hall. The Board of Elections has scheduled days of picking up your registrations. Voter registration closes 30 days before the election. Absentee voter applications are also available at the Village Hall.