Village Council

Regular Village Council Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month beginning at 6:00 PM in the Cuyahoga Heights Village Hall, 4863 East 71 Street, Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio.

A meeting agenda will be posted on the Village Hall bulletin board on the Friday before the meeting for those persons interested. The general public may be recognized to speak by the Mayor at the end of the meeting. Questions or concerns regarding any proposed legislation or business should be directed to a council person prior to the meeting by contacting them by phone.

Work Sessions of Council are held in the Village Hall on the fourth Wednesday of the month in the following months: January, February, March, April, May, and October. Work sessions begin at 5:00 PM and have a more casual format. At these meetings, Council will usually discuss new ideas, general concerns, and future legislation. There is usually no formal agenda for a work session. Work sessions may be cancelled or moved by a motion of Council at their regular meetings. Although work sessions are public, there is no formal recognition of the public.

Special Meetings of Council
 are only held at the request of the Mayor and/or at least three (3) members of Council. Twenty-four (24) hours’ notice must be given to the other members of Council and the news media. Special meetings are public.

All meetings of Council are public meetings unless Council adjourns into an executive session. During an executive session, the Public is dismissed. At the end of the executive session, Council will resume the regular meeting.

Cuyahoga Heights Codified Ordinances

Codified Ordinances